I’m Carlos Eduardo Fantin, but you can call me Cadu 🙂
I’m deeply enthusiastic about the possibilities that combining technology and design unlocks. As a UX/UI Product & experience designer and researcher, my mission is to transform the most complex tech concepts and objectives into user-friendly, engaging experiences. This empowers users to make the most of both digital and real-world products, services, and experiences.
A little bit more info about me
I learned from
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2012 – 2016)
Bachelors in Digital Design
Gama Academy (2019)
Ranked top of my Class in UX/UI Design
The Interaction Design Foundation (2022 – )
Member and Student
I have worked with
Ambev Tech (may 2021 – jul 2023)
UX/UI Digital Product Designer | Internal Logistic digital products for production and material management for global clients.
Centauro/Nike Brasil/SBF Group (Jun 2019 – APR 2021)
UX/UI Digital Product Designer | Discovery and search for e-commerce and Innovation Projects
NewBlue Performance Marketing Agency (mar 2015 – Feb 2019)
Motion Designer, Graphic Designer, UX/UI Designer | Publicity for clients like Google Brasil, Claro Brasil, Avianca & More.
What’s my Design process
I believe that at the heart of any exceptional UX/UI project lies a design process that harmonizes the primary objectives with the user’s needs and challenges. This process enables a deep understanding of what we need to create and how it should function.
Here are some key considerations I find important when designing for a project:
🔍 Understand to solve
Features don’t arise out of nowhere. Understanding the pain, the problem, the objective, and/or the hypothesis, involving users and stakeholders in the process, is the ideal path to effective design.
Collaboration is a key aspect of successful teams. I enjoy understanding a bit of everything to know how Design can better assist and be assisted by all the involved fronts.
📈 Data Driven, but for real…
It’s always possible to use data to show only what we want (others) to see. I prefer to use data to understand which areas require attention and to measure the impact of our actions.
🙃 Pobody’s nerfect
Not even this portfolio! I like to approach all the projects I participate in this way, as well as my own personal and professional journey. Everything is in constant evolution. Making mistakes today to learn and improve tomorrow.
🌪️ From Chaos to order, quickly…
They don’t call it a ‘Sprint’ for nothing. I like to organize and document the entire process, as well as focus on delivering value and using agile methodologies to streamline the chaos quickly.
🤝 Diversity of ideas & people
Environments that bring together people of various colors, genders, cultures, ideologies, sexual orientations, nationalities, and different opinions are rich sources of ideas when honest and friendly communication is applied. ❤️
🤩 Form, function & fun!
Fun is essential! I’m not just talking about the ping pong table or Gartic, but also about our work process and the experiences we create together. It’s important to be functional, but why not have fun as well?